Terms of Use



Compliance with Terms of Use

The following "Terms of Use" are written in both Japanese and English. All service users agree to and understand the "Terms of Use".





By participating in any of the services offered by the Shop, Service users agree to abide by these "Terms of Use". Under no circumstances will services be provided without consent.




 1) 利用者は有効な運転免許証または日本国内で運転するための許可を所持していること

(国際運転) 1949 年のジュネーブ条約、地位協定ライセンスなどに基づく許可)。

2) ユーザーはサービスを利用するために十分な運転技能を持っている必要があります。

Terms of Service

Service users must meet the following two conditions. If a user does not meet either of the conditions, the user may not use the Service. If a user is found to be using the Service despite not meeting the conditions, the user agrees that insurance coverage will not be provided.

 1) The user must possess a valid driver's license or permit to drive in Japan.

(International Driving) Permission based on the Geneva Convention of 1949, Status of Forces Agreement License, etc.).

2) Service users must have sufficient driving skills to use the service.




Compliance with Road Traffic Laws

Service Users must obey all local traffic laws. service users must have and carry at all times a valid Japanese driver's license or driver's license. Service users must have sufficient driving skills to operate the Fun kart.


車両(Fun Kart)の責任

日本では、法律により、カートが現地の交通法に違反する機能障害なく動作することを確認するのはサービス利用者の責任です。 (例:車幅灯、ヘッドライト、テールライト、ブレーキランプ、ブレーキ、アクセル)

Responsibility for the Vehicle (Fun Kart)

In Japan, by law, it is the responsibility of the service user to ensure that the kart operates without functional failures that violate local traffic laws. (e.g., vehicle lights, headlights, taillights, brake lights, brakes, gas pedal)




Violation of Road Traffic Laws, etc.

Traffic violations are the responsibility of each service user. The store or tour guide is not responsible for any fines or fees incurred due to violations




Unresolved Fines and Fees

The Shop may bill local authorities for any outstanding fines or fees incurred by the User in connection with traffic violations.





Traffic Accidents 

In the event of a traffic accident, the service user must report it to the Guide, the local government, and the insurance company. 

In the event of a traffic accident, the Service User agrees not to enter into a settlement with the other party without the consent of the Shop. If an agreement cannot be reached between the Service User and the other party, the Shop will not be held liable.



すべての車両(Fun Kart)には事故に備えて保険がかけられています。保険の適用範囲は限定されており、規制されています。事故が発生した場合、保険会社が事故の評価を行います。この時点で、ユーザーは免責金額として50,000円を支払わなければなりません。保険会社が事故が無謀な運転によるものであると判断した場合、サービス利用者への補償を断る可能性があります。


All vehicles (Fun Kart) are insured against accidents. Insurance coverage is limited and regulated. In the event of an accident, the insurance company will evaluate the accident. At this point, the user must pay a deductible of ¥50,000. If the insurance company determines that the accident was caused by reckless driving, it may refuse to compensate the service user.



車両(Fun Kart)への損害はサービス利用者の責任となります。サービス利用者は、当店が損害を実費で請求することを了承します。保険会社が関与する損害については上記記載の保険に従い、当店は損害賠償を請求する権利を有します。

Vehicle Damage

Any damage to the vehicle (Fun Kart) is the responsibility of the service user. The service user agrees that we may charge the actual cost of the damage. In the event of damage involving an insurance company, we reserve the right to claim compensation for damages in accordance with the insurance policy described above.




Criminal acts and criminal organizations

The Service User agrees that he/she is not participating in any criminal activity and is not a member of any criminal organization.


車両(Fun Kart)の無断貸出し


Unauthorized rental of vehicles (Fun Kart)

Service Users may not allow others to drive or ride in the cart without the consent of the store or tour guide.




Copyright, portrait and publicity rights

Service Users agree not to assert any copyright, portrait, or publicity rights in photographs related to their use of the cart and the services provided.





If a Service User violates these Terms of Use, the Service User agrees to indemnify the Shop for any damages or violation fines claimed by the Shop.



サービス利用者は、ショップおよびツアーガイドが安全上のリスク(無謀な運転、ツアールールの違反など)に応じてサービス利用者の運転を中止させるまたは一時停止させる権利と権限を持っていることを理解します。サービス利用者は、ショップまたはツアーガイドの指定に従って車両(Fun Kart)を返却するものとします。

Store Authority

The Service User understands that the Shop and Tour Guide have the right and authority to stop or suspend the Service User's operation in response to safety risks (reckless driving, violation of tour rules, etc.). The Service User shall return the vehicle (Fun Kart) as specified by the Shop or Tour Guide.





Disclaimer of our store

We reserve the right to suspend, discontinue, or change the services provided to Service Users.

We will not be liable for any damages incurred by Service Users.




Media Distribution

Service Users may not collect data, information or images in connection with media distribution. Service Users may not collect data without the permission of the Shop.




Changes to Terms of Use


Service Users understand that the Terms of Use may be updated without notice to or approval by Service Users.