Q. 二人乗りは可能ですか? Is it possible for two people to ride?

A. いいえ。日本の道路交通法によって二人乗りは禁止されています。ミニジープは一人乗りです。

    No, it is not. The Japanese Road Traffic Law prohibits two passengers. Only one person can ride in a mini-jeep.

Q. 運転免許は必要ですか? Do I need a driver's license?

A. はい。普通自動車免許証が必要です。(AT、MTどちらも可)

    Yes. A driver's license is required. (Both AT and MT driver's licenses are acceptable) *Motorcycle driver's licenses are not acceptable. 

Q. Can I use my international driver's license?

A. Please check here(International driver's license valid in Japan) for an international driver's license valid in Japan. *International driver's licenses issued in some countries cannot be used in Japan. Please be sure to check.

Driving license, International driving license. The SOFA driver license for US Forces Japan is acceptable. International Driving Permit issued by AAA or AATA is acceptable. States Side Drivers License with US Military ID are acceptable.

If you hold a driver's license from one of these countries(Belgium, France, Germany, Monaco, Switzerland, Slovenia, Taiwan) you will need your passport and a document translated into Japanese by an authorized organization. Driver's licenses issued in these countries are valid for one year from the date of entry into Japan.

The authorized organization in Japan for Belgium, France, Germany, Monaco, Switzerland and Slovenia is JAF or their embassies and consulates.

An authorized organization in Japan for Taiwan is JAF or Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan. An authorized organization in Taiwan is The East Asia Relation Commission.

Q. シートベルトはありますか? Are seat belts provided?

A. はい。運転中はシートベルトを必ず着用してください。

  Yes, seat belts must be worn while driving.

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